ESZ Gummi-Punktgleitlager Ausschreibung – Stahlbetonfertigteile

Rubber Point Sliding bearing

RFP texts

For use between precast concrete construction parts:

Liefern und Verlegen von unbewehrten ESZ Gummi-Punkt-Gleitlagern between precast reinforced concrete elements. The mathematical proof for the usability of the bearing must be provided. The bearing must allow a horizontal displacement of ± 25 mm and be verified over the temperature range from -35°C to + 50°C. The durability of the material must be demonstrated over a total displacement of > 100 meters.

Source of supply:
ESZ Wilfried Becker GmbH · Weilerhöfe 1 · D-41564 Kaarst
Tel.: 0049 – (0)2131-7581-00 · Fax: 0049 – (0)2131-7581-11 Mail: